What should I carry while mountain biking?

The mountain bike season is around the corner, the bike is fixed, the motivation is high, but before each tour, you have to follow the same procedure: What to do? What is necessary? Our packing list helps those who are spoiled for choice and lists the essential equipment for a day trip.

The most important thing is to find out what you do not need to pack and how you can avoid excess baggage. Below you can find a list of things that you do not have to pack. Depending on the condition of the components and the length of the tour, they should be replaced before the start

In this article, you will find out everything you need to bring with you for a long trip with your mountain bike, from cycling gear to the food and the drinks you need.

  • Tire
  • Pads
  • Chain
  • Chainrings
  • Spring / shock absorber

If everything is OK and adequate for the trip, I recommend the following things to pack in any case:

  • Cycling shoes
  • Cycling socks
  • Cycling shorts
  • Cycling jersey
  • Cycling helmet

Mountain Bike Ride – Essential Equipment

  • Spare jersey
  • Functional Garment
  • Vest
  • Arm / Leg Warmers
  • Buff (headband, bandana, handkerchief in one and is thus an all-rounder)
  • Overshoes (for the cold season only)
  • Sunglasses/eyewear
  • Cycling gloves
  • Mountain bike backpack (20 litres)
  • Rain cover for your backpack
  • Knee pads
  • Hardshell raincoat


  • Bike computer
  • GPS device
  • Outdoor multifunction watch/heart rate monitor
  • Small light for your mountain bike
  • Repair kit
  • Small pump
  • Lock

Food and Hydration

  • Bottle or hydration material in a backpack
  • Energy bars

Health and First Aid

  • Small first aid kit
  • Duct tape
  • Sunblock
  • Lip protection
  • Handkerchiefs


  • Map
  • Compass
  • GPS
  • Mobile phone
  • Photography equipment (if needed)
  • Batteries / Replacement Batteries
  • Cash
  • Pocket knife
  • Matches / lighter

The above packing list is sufficient for a one day trip in moderate terrain with no special requirements. If you want to bike in really extreme terrain or downhill, change your equipment accordingly. Also, it is important to note that depending on the length and route selection, you certainly do not need to take everything.

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A one-hour trip through the fields and meadows needs lesser gear than a ten-hour trip in Yosemite. Therefore, we have tried to be as exhaustive as possible. You can leave some of that equipment at home according to your needs. Anyone planning a multi-day mountain bike tour should obviously pack much more quality gear.

Here are some tips for your next MTB trip

  • Comfort is very important.
  • Select spare clothes that have low weight.
  • Beware of the weather at all times. Keeping a good raincoat never hurts and protects against wind and weather conditions.
  • Safety first! Whatever weight you end up saving in the clothing department, get some safety equipment in its place. Some repair items are required (small pump, small tool kit), because every trip carries some risk.
  • Respect the environment. Mountain biking is booming and rightly so. It is a wonderful means to move fast and to experience nature intensely. But as always, it is also true here some rules are to be observed. As more and more mountain bikers flock to the hotspots, often special routes have been established, while others are prohibited. Always comply with the local rules.
  • Respect your fellow men! The mountains are there for all and there is enough space for all to bike/hike/camp happily.
  • Respect your limits! Challenges are good and you grow with them but select the routes according to your skill levels.

Energy is an essential aspect of a better ride. Professional mountain bikers are supervised by trainers and doctors, who according to their physical characteristics follow the best diets to allow to recover quickly the condition during and after physical exertion. Let’s take a look at which foods are suitable for mountain bikers.

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Nutrients needed by the Body

Carbohydrates (4 calories per gram) provide energy. They are divided mainly into starches (bread, rice, pasta, etc.) and carbohydrates (sugars). They are digested and subsequently absorbed in very short times.

Protein (4 calories per gram) have various biomechanical and biological functions. It is found in eggs, fish, meat, vegetables, milk and soya protein concentrates. They are reduced into amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and then absorbed by the digestive system.

Fat (9 kcal per gram) are deposited and form a caloric reserve. They are divided into saturated (solid at room temperature and of animal origin such as cholesterol) and unsaturated (liquid at room temperature, derived predominantly from vegetables or from fish like omega 3).

Saturated fats are transformed into cholesterol (harmful) while polyunsaturated fats are transformed into predominantly fatty acids (good).

Vitamins (they have no calories) are essentially organic compounds. These are essential substances for humans to survive. They must be introduced each day through the intake of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, milk.

They govern all metabolic and cellular functions, the production of proteins. Promote muscle recovery, protect against free radicals, from metabolic wastes, from premature ageing and cancer.

Minerals (they have no calories) have bioregulatory and protective functions. They are very important for the body, regulating almost all biochemical and physiological processes such as oxygen transport, protein and enzymatic activity, carbohydrate metabolism and hydration of muscles.

They must be entered every day by adequate consumption of vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese (in moderation).

Foods that I keep Stocked in my Backpack 

Bananas are the classic natural supplement for anyone who rides a bike. Thanks to potassium and vitamin B6, this fruit regulates the level of sugar in the blood and gives electrolytes lost during physical exertion. They also reduce the possibility of the occurrence of cramps.

Whey protein is an absolute classic. It is easily assimilated by the body which makes it an excellent food choice. Also recommended for recovery for its replenishment ability.

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They are the ideal food for any biker. It provides energy while taking up little space. They are good when you are riding and as you burn a lot of calories, just pop a few of them in your mouth. Nuts quench hunger and provide energy.

Dried apricots: They have three times the potassium of bananas. Ideal for containment of blood pressure and rich in vitamin A and a source of vitamin C.

Dried dates: When you are very tired the body makes you feel the need to consume sugary foods, another good choice are the dates which, although very sweet, have a low glycemic index, which allows them to release sugars slowly and maintain constant energy. They are rich in potassium and fiber are a source of magnesium.

Dried figs: Rich in calcium and magnesium, four dried figs also provide a quarter of the recommended daily intake of iron.

Nuts: They are an excellent source of concentrated energy, perfect for those with an active lifestyle. It has a high caloric density and it only takes a small quantity to get a significant burst of energy without burdening digestion. Walnuts, almonds, pistachios and other nuts contain so-called “good” fats, namely polyunsaturated and monounsaturated which counter the accumulation of cholesterol.

Honey is a complete food. It has enzymes, vitamins, glucose, fructose and other substances that provide energy immediately available to the body, Bikers must keep small sachets always with them. It enhances the recovery too.

Nature offers everything necessary for our body. So try to stay away from food supplements whenever possible.

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